1. Sacred Scripture I – Revelation
The course presents a background of the meaning of revelation and faith. It unfolds God’s various ways of making himself and His will known to humankind. It leads the catechists to amore personal journey of faith with God in the Old and New Testament.
2. Sacred Scripture I – The Old Testament
The course introduces the catechists to the study of the Sacred Scripture, the background content and message of the Old Testament as a whole. Special focus will be given on the Pentateuch, Historical Books and the Writings.
3. Christian Morality I
The course focuses on God’s covenant with His chosen people (Israel) Emphasis will be on the Decalogue. Its significance on the life of the Israelites and its on-going relevance and challenge to us Filipinos today.
4. The Church I
The course presents the biblical origin of the Church: its mission, its structure and its dimensions as well as the significant stages in the life of the church until Vatican II.
5. Sacred Scripture II – The New Testament
The New Testament will be presented as the fulfillment of God’s saving action in Jesus Christ. It will lead the catechist to knowing and loving Christ more deeply in the light of the Gospels. The course also introduces the catechists to the background, content and message of the New Testament as a whole.
6. Christian Morality II
The course presents Christ as our way that leads to life. It deals with the constitutive elements of personal Christian moral living. The Moral agent: the Human Person, our basic dignity in Freedom and in Personal, Moral Responsibility governed by our conscience through the examples of Christ, the grace of the Holy spirit and the loving mercy of the Father.
7. Philippine Church History I
The course presents the roots and development of Christianity in the Philippines and the challenges faced by the church in the Philippines at present. It also introduces the catechists to the Acts and Decrees of the PCP II and AIPP 2 in the light of the call of Vatican II towards renewal through Renewed Integrated Evangelization.
8. Liturgy and the Sacraments
The course presents the worship dimension of the Christian Faith. It focuses on the discussion of the sacraments and the training of learners to design. Write and conduct meaningful liturgical celebrations.
9.. Spirituality and Values Formation
The course deals with the formation of proper attitudes, objectives, behavior and expectations of catechists based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Vocation and Spirituality of the Catechist
It clarifies and deepens the Catechists’ awareness on his/her mission of education to faith.
10. Methodology – Methods and Techniques in Catechesis
It presents the content and method of making and delivering catechetical materials. It provides the catechists the experience of applying foundational principles of catechesis in lesson planning and teaching both in schools and in parish settings. The course will also deal with the study of the person of the teacher and the nature of the learner/students.
11. Social Teachings of the Church
The course introduces the catechists to the traditional social teachings of the Church and provides a framework for analyzing the Christian response to the problems of our society in the context of evangelization.
12. Missiology
It aims to provide the participants with a practical orientation for mission in order to help them meet the challenges of their involvement in the parish ministry, foster attitudes of openness and trust, share their hopes and dreams for the implementation of AIPP 2 decrees on catechesis.
Spirituality and Prayer
It also focuses on the spirituality and prayer life demanded by the catechists’ vocation.
Sakramento Ning Kumpil
Sakramento Ning Eucharistiya
Sakramento Ning Pamagbalik Lub
The Story of the Holy Rosary
Additional Topics for Formation of Catechists
June Sacraments of Initiation
July Sacraments of Healing
August Sacraments of Service / Vocation
September Liturgical Year
October The Pentateuch
e Seige of the Promise Land
November The Prophets
December The Cultivation of Wisdom
confronting New Challenges
January The Synoptic Gospels
February Pauline Literature
March Johanine Literature